Thursday, November 27, 2014

Understanding the Different Types of Distracted Driving

Distracted drivingDistracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents today. But what is distracted driving? It refers to any activity that diverts the drivers attention from the task of driving. Here are the 3 different types of distracted driving.

Manual Distractions - These involve taking your hands off the wheel such as texting, eating, putting make ups, making phone calls, smoking, changing the radio station and more. 

Visual Distractions - This is more dangerous as this involve taking your eyes off the wheel, like reading a text message, watching a video, looking in a mirror or even looking at the passengers.

Cognitive Distractions - These involve taking your mind off the wheel. Texting or making phone calls can be considered as cognitive distractions, Others include driving while intoxicated and when a driver falls asleep.

In case you or a family member has been involved in this kind of accident, be sure to seek the assistance of an experienced lawyer. It is necessary, regardless of where the accidents occur, what has been damages and who has been involved in an accident.

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